A Leading Company in Energy Management System & its ICT Alliance Business
All of employees who have years experience in business fields of Low-Carbon green service, ESCO, Renewable Energy, ICT and financial model development are doing efforts in pursuing innovative R&D of energy management system and in spreading its system over the houses, buildings and factories.
“Home Energy Management System Platform” Based on A.I, Big Data
Kevinlab’s HEMS based on Cloud achieves innovative cost reduction for the first time in Korea. It guides the optimal use of energy through method of analyzing Big-Data & consumption of household by energy sources.
“Building Energy Management System Platform”It enables efficient energy management in buildings.
It improves the efficient of energy use by collecting and analyzing various information of energy usage and facilities in the building. It also manages energy usage, facility efficiency and indoor environment control.
“Renewal Energy Management System Platform”Renewal Energy Integrated Monitoring System
It monitors renewable energy, power plant status and efficiency in real time. And it collects inverter-specific control, detailed efficiency, power generation amount and energy data for each energy source
“Factory Energy Management System Platform”Cloud-based Energy Management System for Factories
It provides real-time energy management services for your plant (factory / building) at minimal cost and maximize energy use efficiency and reduce costs.
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